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Re: FYI - 164 tires

How did they compare price wise with the D60A2's?

--- Nicky Avery <nravery@domain.elided> wrote:
> Thought some of you could be interested in the life and times of the
> Dunlop D60A2s I bought last year.
> Most of my driving is in SoCal locally and on freeways with
> occasional
> longer journeys and I think they have been very good tires for my
> purposes: sticky and quiet. The downside is that they only lasted
> about
> 20k on the front with an estimated 25k on the rear. I rotated them 3
> times and wear was even. I took them back for a refund (guaranteed
> 40k
> life) and ended up with the new SP2, which is supposed to be the
> successor.
> Initial impression is that they are very similar. I'm told they
> should
> last a bit longer too.
> Nicky
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Best Regards,

Alan Lambert
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