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Crank rings

Well, what can I say? From the other side of the world, in less time than it
takes to drive to the Alfa dealer, come the answers! To Jim Neill, Carson
Damm, Dana Loomis, and John Hertzman, I say thank you very much. 

The truly weird thing about it is that I have 2 owners manuals here -one
Autobooks, and one other, which I inherited. Both cover the 2000 engine, as
well as the littler ones, both have numerous exploded diagrams, and neither
mentions anything about any rings. I guess the lesson is that you shouldn't
try to reassemble something you didn't take apart?

So there you go. And, as an additional adjunct to all of those who replied a
few months ago when I asked about rentals in Italy, I'm off on Saturday to
see for myself. Thanks for the advice guys and gals - I've decided that
Europcar is the go. Monza should be humming, especially if it is anything
like Spa was last night.

Chris Kane
1970 1750 GTV - somewhat discombobulated
1976 Alfasud Ti - Fully bobulated.

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