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Re: Dealing with Italians

I'll add my own 0.02 Euro to a very good follow-up to Luca:

Sometimes to understand something, you merely need to
step back a bit from the problem.

Rather than even discuss the American opinion of Italians
(or vise versa for that matter), why not think how people
around the World feel about Americans and Italians.  It is
interesting to hear which group is actually thought of in
the more negative way...  A lot of this global opinion comes
from that original post we all got to read...

Anyway, to maintain the Alfa content, lets change the topic
to automobiles.  I'd bet money on more people in the World
being interested in owning Alfa Romeos (not to mention Fiats, 
Maseratis, Ferraris, Lamborghinis, etc.) over ANY US-branded

I just returned from Taiwan.  People in Taiwan do *not* have
a good impression of US-branded cars.  They would much
rather put their money into Japanese or European machinery.
There were new Fiat Puntos, Alfa Romeo 156s and Vespa
scooters literally running around *everywhere*...


> Luca,
> Your response to the "dealing with Italians" remark was very well stated.
> It's almost amazing that one of our vendors has such an obvious, shall I say,
> "low opinion" of an ethnic group from which our marque owes its heritage and
> roots, and a marque from which he derives some of his income.  I can
> understand that it causes hurt to read such inappropriate comments, especially
> in this day and age.  Some attitudes, however, due to our human propensities,
> are difficult to change.  You expressed the same sentiments that my
> father-in-law expressed many years ago while with Alfa.  Please e-mail me
> off-line.  He had some great stories I know you would appreciate.  Good luck
> in your position with FIAT.
> Mark Petrelli, O.D.

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