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RE: tragedy

> Lisa, the girl I dated for the past two and a half years, died saturday
> night. She was struck by a drunk driver while crossing a street on campus.
> The driver fled the scene, and left here lifeless, 200 feet from the site
> of impact. She was flown to Saint Francis Hospital in Peoria, IL, where
> she was pronounced dead. They kept her on life support, although she had
> no brain activity. She will be donating organs today.
> Her body was unrecognizable, with the exception of her hands and feet,
> because of the swelling. Many bones were broken also.
> Her parents will be arriving in Chicago today from Italy and will try to
> decide what to do for the funeral.
> Lisa was 24, studying to become a nurse, and was in her senior year.
> She was a kind, mature, loving girl and will be dearly missed.
> My last words to her on tuesday were "you are my life".


My sincere condolences.  My prayers are with you.

> If any of you recall, I posted about a year and a half ago about a friend
> of mine on campus who had his beautiful 164 destroyed by a drunk driver on
> campus. It seems inpossible that there are so many people out there that
> drive drunk. Please, everybody, make your best efforts to drive safely. I
> know I will be changing attitude.



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