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Re: Electronic speedometer question

"I've asked this question before, but got nothing.  Here goes again:
What, if any, are potential causes for speedometer (+odometer/trip)

Well, there are many possibilities; one common one is broken circuits on the
PCB.  (Many of us mid-80s Spider
owners have had speedo &/or odo failures, a few were able to repair the
gauge with a drop of solder judiciously
placed.  This didn't work for me, nor did many many many attempts by PAS to
repair the thing.)

Oh, on the Spiders the speedo is on the same circuit as the cigar lighter
(in particular, is on a fuse!), so you might see if some
comparable silliness is true for your GTV.  (I know of 2 cases where
replacing the cigar lighter fixed a Spider speedo.)

- David R.

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