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Twin Spark Availability

On of my reasons for bringing this subject up here again is that the fellow 
who I will be getting my twin spark from, has stated that he has a pretty 
decent supply of then and they can be had for a decent price, about $1700 
all in. That should include the comp. wiring harness, coils and pretty much 
any other parts required.

For those of you who know the Japanese car market you will know that a ten 
year old car is effectively worthless, and anything over 5 years is getting 
pretty low down. In fact the fellow had to pay to have a few cars (perfectly 
drivable alfas) disposed of because he could not sell them off his lot.

So to add to the list of other questions going; Was there a turbo version 
twin spark in a 75? I will be asking when I go up to see him tomorrow but it 
would be great to be forearmed with info.


Peter Hoare
Nagoya, Japan

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