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duetto backfires

In a message dated 09/23/2001 4:47:38 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 
owner-alfa-digest@domain.elided writes:

> Given the recent tune-up, is it possible that the ignition wires or other
> new components in the ignition system is causing this.  I can see the loss
> of power but unless the timing has changed I can not explain the back fire.
> Bottom line is that I could use your help!!!
Sounds like your car is running too rich -- not a problem when it it's cold, 
but causing unburned fuel in the exhaust to "detonate" when everything is hot.

Your recent tune up may have resulted in too rich a mix.  I'd look into that 
first (misadjustment) rather than assuming something is "broken."

Another tip off would be fuel mileage or even clouds of wrong coming out the 

An Alfa is never broken, sometimes just under the weather a bit.


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