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Checking engine numbers with DMV??

Sorry to use the AD for this but I need a favour from one of the USA
digestees who has access to a local DMV office.

I recently bought a Ford V8 out of a scrap Mustang for a GT40 kit car I am
building. It is an EFI version.  I need to ascertain the year of manufacture
and any other information about this engine from the Ford engine number.  It
was bought from a local company who has a contract with a US scrapyard to
supply V8 motors.  These are becoming increasingly popular here despite the
high cost of fuel.  Anyway I believe the motor is "straight" but will check
with our local DMV office to ensure it is not listed as stolen.  Anybody got
suitable contacts.  Please email me off-list as this has "NO ALFA CONTENT"!!

John Fielding

South Africa

Alfetta 1.8L turbo

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