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Spider book`

For starters, I am soooo confused. I'm not trying to embarrass anyone,
but see if you don't agree.


In V8 #143 (Oct. 17th) Wille R. includes a reply:

Thank you for your order.

Unfortunately the Original Alfa Romeo Spider publication by Chris Rees
has been delayed with no firm date available.

Regards - Mill House Books


On Oct 8th I received the following:

Good Morning,

You'll be happy to know that the new book is out, we've had it for
months now, and the photos of the roundtail are beautiful, right down to
highly visible Biba Restorations sticker, placed tastefully in the
engine compartment.

Have a great day,

Robert Peery
Marketing Assistant
International Auto Parts
International AutoSport
Phone (434)974-7118
Fax (434)973-2368


On Oct. 7th I received the following:

Thanks for your message. I understand the Alfa book is being printed as
we speak. Could you give me your address again to send the book to?

Hope all well with you, and thanks for your help,

Chris Rees


Well Willie, guess you can buy one in the good old US of A for your
Christmas present to self.

What I'm wondering is if IAP placed a fairly large order for (perhaps)
soft cover books and what we're waiting for is the hard cover version??


Irwindale, CA USA

Unnh, the tasteful sticker is a tasteful plaque. I okayed it with the
clients before applying.

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