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RE: water pump

Hmmm... I think the water pump is OK, since I've driven the car since,
and it seems to be "all better". Refilling the coolant seemed to make it
run completely normal. I was able to drive 150 miles afterward (mostly
highway, some local roads, some traffic lights) and the temp gauge
behaved completely as normal.

I still smelled coolant this morning after the drive in, but then again,
I never cleaned things out from yesterday, so that might just be
leftover coolant smell.



-----Original Message-----
From: Karl Robrock [mailto:robrock@domain.elided]
Sent: Friday, October 26, 2001 9:57 AM
To: Glenn Wasserman
Cc: Alfa Digest
Subject: water pump


Did your water pump blow? If it did, there is a weep hole just behind
the pulley on the bottoms side of the housing that drains all the
coolant if the water pump fails. This will cause your engine to
overheat, smell coolant and create excessive pressure in your coolant
system. This will also happen if you are REALLY low on coolant. A blown
water pump is a fast way to drain a lot of coolant. Mine went out on my
L a month or so ago. On a 12V it's no big deal. 24V engines are a whole
different story. Ask me why I just bought a Q.


'91 164L
'95 164Q (coming soon)

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