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2000 sprint Vs. GTV advice sought

Hello, I'm considering the purchase of either a 2000 sprint or 1750/2000 GTV
and I was looking for comments or information to help me choose.  A few
years ago I owned a 1962 2600 roadster that was a project car, unfortunately
I was not able to return this car to the road but I liked the lines a lot
and so the 2000 sprint has some appeal for me.  I had a friend with a 2000
GTV that I got to drive from time to time and liked that very much too.  It
seems like the prices asked for these cars are similar so that does not seem
to be a factor.  I'm planning to put a fair amount of miles on the car and I
will be using it as a occasional commuter.  I'm an able mechanic and look
forward to spending a lot of time maintaining this car although parts
availability is of course a concern.  Any help would be greatly appreciated!

The 2600 was different than some I've seen in that the hood opened from the
opposite end from others.  I was told that this may have been a prototype or
pre-production model but I have no idea.  I still have pictures of the car
and I miss it a lot.


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