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car choices...

If the market, including those who race, didn't want rear-engined
Porsches, they wouldn't have lined up for them, and we'd be then arguing the
merits for the 2001 928.

So why the calumny and biased screeds; is there some collective inadequacy
that needs to be addressed here on the board? As much as I love my Italian
cars, I know that there are other sports cars out there, and some are good,
really good.

Paul Mitchell
<snip again>

Well said Paul, *insert applause here* I love my '73 Alfa spider, but I also
love the Saab 900 line and german cars such as Porsche, Mercedes. My dad had
an '80 911SC in metallic black a few years ago, and i must say it is an
amazing car. We did extensive traveling and most of it well over the speed
limit (when traffic wasnt bad) and at the end of the trip we werent ever
tired at all. The 911 was perfectly happy just tooling around town also.
Reliablitly was outstanding, we never had to do anything but routine
maintainance in the several years he owned it. All in all, a grand sports
car, well worth the money. My affinity for Saab 900 lies in the quirkiness
and the quality of the cars, great cars for small price when you get a 900
thats a few years old. All cars have their good and bad points Alfa
included. Their differences is what makes them unique and great. Its time to
give cars their due and not bash on them too bad, for we have the horrors
like the Pontiac Aztek to keep us plenty busy, and count our blessings that
we do have cars like Porsche (even if we cant afford one yet) and not just
companies that produce weird strange crap that falls apart in a few years (a
la Pontiac). Times are good for the sports car guy..for that I am
thankful..(anyone remember mid 80's american cars?).... caio

Keith S.
'73 spider (almost rested)

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