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NW winter tires

  I'm running low on tread on all 4 corners.  Anybody got a recommendation
for a decent performance tire that's also respectable on wet roads?
Bryan Carter
Olympia, WA

I remain very happy with my Kumho Ecsta Supra 712's, although writing that
name is still an ordeal.

At about 7,000 miles on, I think they've lost a little of their dry grip at
race speed, but they are still excellent, don't go away when warm, and are as
good as anything I've ever driven in the rain.

Around the twisty parts of PIR last Sunday, they were delightful, very willing
partners in the Alfa's favorite dance.  Perfect day, top down, intake trumpets
and exhaust howling, there were faster cars there but I promise you nobody had
more fun.  Ask your Mr. G. Hyde, on the outskirts of that rainy city.

'72 PIR track slut

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