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164 Optical Alarm transmitter

I was not completely clear in my previous posting. 

What fooled the heck out of me was that the transmitter has a visible red LED that flashes when the trasmit button is pushed, even if the IR LED solder joint is broken. (i.e. the red LED is not a foolproof indicator of an IR transmission) When in doubt, open it and examine all connections closely.

Sunnyvale, CA


I know this is way late, but Karl may have hit the problem dead on.   My 
remote had a "cold" solder joint on one of the transmitter LED's.  As soon as 
I soldered it correctly, the distance increased substantially.  (5-6 feet 
from door)  If the wrong LED is out, then you may be actually blocking the 
signal when you point it.  Try moving the remote and see if you can get more 

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