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Re: alfa-digest V8 #285 Heat shield??

Yes, you should have had a nice, crumbly asbestos pad up there...what would 
do instead these days??? anyone?? Beuller???

Felix Schmidt
3 Alfas and holding
Escalon, CA

At 01:51 PM 12/12/2001 -0500, you wrote:

>alfa-digest        Wednesday, December 12 2001        Volume 08 : Number 285
>Subject: Spider muffler heat sheild
>Project Alfa is nearly completely reassembled now. This is a '72 Spider with
>stock exhaust system. Can someone please confirm for me that there is no
>heat shield between the small forward muffler and the driver's side
>floorpan. For some reason I was thinking there was but I've torn the garage
>apart and don't see one anywhere, nor do I see any mounting accommodations
>for one but these are new floorpans that I put in over 3 years ago. Most
>likely I'm just thinking of the heat shield above the main center muffler
>which I have.
>Paul Irvine  - Antioch CA
>72 Spider - 79 Sprint Veloce - 82 GTV6

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