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Milano driveline problem

As I accelerated briskly from the toll plaza at the Bay Bridge last night, I
heard a loud thump and felt an impact in the wheel well area by the dead
pedal. At first I figured I'd thrown a rod through the case, but I saw no
smoke trail in my mirror and saw no drop in oil pressure. The car continued
to run well across the bridge (saw a nice 164 during the crossing)and I
thought perhaps I had run over a shoe, tire tread, or something.

However, once I was in stop/go traffic in the city, it was obvious something
was wrong. The car shudders pretty hard when moving from a stop in first
gear. I'm guessing I completely threw the front doughnut. I plan to get
under the car tonight to check it out. Any other possibilities? Any problem
driving the car in this condition, if only to get it to a shop?

Thanks for the help.

Jeff Jensen
87 Milano Verde
San Francisco

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