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RE: Carburetors

Carmelo Forte <csforte@domain.elided> wrote:
> Subject: Carburetors
> It take a fews turn of the 
> ignition to 
> start and when it does it will not run smooth unless I run it 
> for a long 
> period of time

This is what my car did for a long time.  Suggestions from the other
digesters that I followed up were, in order of importance:

1) Carb balance.  Make sure the throttles on both carbs are
   synchronised statically, then run the car at idle and
   adjust them to a finer point.  If this varies too much
   from the static adjustment, you have an air leak in one
   carburettor (worn gasket, loose carburettor, bad rubber
   mounting, worn spindle on carburettor throttle).
2) Idle mixture (not really that important) but...
   You mentioned your car has high compression.  This normally
   means that the "idle" mixture has to be very rich for the car
   to start/run properly.  This will be made much worse if you
   haven't done (1).
3) Carburettor progression.  Making sure the accelerator pumps
   come in at the right point and with the right amount of fuel.
   More important if you've got flat spots.
> Would I need to replace the Weber 40's with Weber 
> 45's or a 
> notch above 40? Also, should I need to replace the fuel pump 
> to have more 
> fuel pumped into the engine or could the cause be that the 
> Weber 40;s can't 
> deliver enough fuel when I start the vehicle?

Maybe you need to hook up the "choke" (cold start enrichment - there
should be a knob on your dashboard) until the car is warm?
The 40mm carbs are usually plenty for a 2.0 Alfa engine if they're
set up right.

I'd definitely look at the balance and idle mixture / choke before
I started worrying about fuel pressure problems.

good luck,

1978 Alfetta GTV "trusty"
1975 Alfa Spider Veloce "rusty"
1994 Volvo 850 T5 wagon

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