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75 coolant

In a message dated 12/26/2001 8:23:49 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
owner-alfa-digest@domain.elided writes:

> I'm pushing coolant out the expansion tank pressurized cap; I've replaced
> the tank and the cap.  The car doesn't overheat and in normal driving, 
> after
> filling my tank, after 50 - 100 miles my coolant level indicator will come
> on and my coolant is low.

By now, you may need to clean/replace the radiator.  But I would first check 

Below the expansion tank is a T junction on the coolant tubing which Fred di 
told me once are eventually prone to leaking... and possibly clogging, etc.  
Also check along the flexible tubing for kinks or other obstructions.  If you 
don't see leaking when the system isn't pressurized (off) but do have a 
problem when running, your overflow bottle or cap, though new, could be 
leaking.  Nobody's perfect.  I'd first invest a couple of bucks in a higher 
pressure cap (I think that means 16+ lbs but I could be wrong on the exact 
figure) ; a Saab cap will be perfect.  See if a new cap does the trick, and 
then move downward from there until you find the culprit.


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