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Re: What to do with TRX wheels from GTV6?

Russ Neely wrote:

>> ...I have seen a pretty neat coffee table built from bent race car rims.

Some years ago at a Kansas City AROC I got a set of book ends made from a
bent turbina wheel. To make the book ends the wheel was sawed into quarters
and then
two oak boards were attached to the flat sides of each quarter (1 wheel = 4
book ends).
They looked really neat and held the largest books securely. Only problem
was the size
of the book ends -- even without holding any books, they took up about two
feet of
bookshelf space!

After onwing them for about six months, I recycled the bookends at a St
Louis AROC
Christmas party gift exchange. From the expression on the face of the man
that got them,
I could tell he really liked them. His wife, OTOH, was not at all pleased to
see them.

Rich Hirsch
St Louis MO

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