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weird GTV6 behavior du jour

This morning I moved my car from outside into the garage to tinker 
with some things before I went to work.  When I pulled it into the 
garage and opened the hood I noticed that there was some coolant on 
the timing belt.  Further inspection made it evident that there was 
coolant in the V of the engine, and a fair amount of it.  There were 
no obvious leaks.  The water pump was new 14mos/11,000mi ago.  ALL 
the hoses were new 7mos/4,000mi ago.  What's going on here?  I just 
got home and opened the hood and noticed that all the coolant that 
was there this morning is gone, there doesn't seem to be anything 
leaking, and I haven't lost enough coolant to make the coolant level 
noticably lower than it usually is when the car is hot.  What's going 
on here?

As for yesterday's bet between Jorge and Brian--well, wagering on 
intermittent problems is kind of hard to call, but I cleaned the 
connections on the front of the engine a couple days ago, and the 
problem occurred again; I cleaned the AFM connection and the injector 
grounds, and so far so good.  I also found my extra AFM so I can 
switch that out if it happens again.

Joe Elliott
'82 GTV6

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