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factory tools needed!! (loan)

Okay, I'm really up the creek here.  I've been planning for several 
months now to replace my valvestem seals and camshafts this week, but 
the individual who was going to lend me the cam holding/turning tool 
and the valvespring compressor is tied up away from home so is unable 
to do so.  I'm still waiting to hear back from my local AROC chapter 
about a valvespring compressor, but I know they don't have the cam 
holding tool, so if any extraordinarily kind individual out there 
wants to lend me these tools via Priority Mail (or are close enough 
to Oxford, Ohio that I could pick them up) so that I can do this job 
by the end of the week, it would be most appreciated.  If I can't do 
it this week I'll have to wait until May.  Or maybe your AROC chapter 
can lend the tools to my AROC chapter.  Also if anyone has any 
alternatives to those tools do perform this work on a 12v V6, please 
let me know.

Thanks much,
Joe Elliott
'82 GTV6

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