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Re: living in the past


dsedon@domain.elided wrote:
> nicky, ewe said:
> <<<"...If the survivors
>    don't wish to support their former tormentors with their purchases or
>    see their children do so, I think they have the right to do so....">>>
> ===================
> buying a german or japanese car today is *not* supporting their former tormentors.  their former tormentors are all DEAD!!!  jeez...

not true. many are very old but still alive and comfortball in jimminy,
japan, southmerica etc. the companies where they were forced labor are
still in biz.

ewe need to reread wot i rote. ackshully, i didn't say i agree or
disagree with this boycotting. i said, however, that if the survivors
feel that way, even if it duzzn't make sense to us, we should have a
little unnerstanding since we haven't been put threw what they suffered.
if the survivors want to avoid buying one product and will buy that
anuther, for wotevver reason they are eggsircising their rite to chooz
wot they buy. wot's so outrageous 'bout that?


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