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I have tried to run this with the newer version of cardisc and it does not

If anyone has done this successfully can they contact me?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Brian Shorey" <bshorey@domain.elided>
To: "tarpon67" <tarpon67@domain.elided>; <alfa-digest@domain.elided>
Cc: <e.charmanp@domain.elided>
Sent: Monday, January 14, 2002 9:41 PM
Subject: RE: CARDISC

> > I have not had any luck running Cardisc on Windows XP Home. The
> > most recent software that I can get it run on is Windows 2000. I
> > am hoping that there will be a patch soon or Cardisc, which I
> > think is a great product, will go the way of the dinosaur.
> Find the author of the cd2html conversion program (hopefully he's still
> monitoring the digest and won't get mad at this plug), and convert your
> Cardiscs to html.
> You get a *much* better UI, they take up 1/4 the space, and you can run
> anywhere you can run a browser (except on some Apple systems, don't ask me
> why).
> bs
> --
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