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Re: 164 3.5 QV?

Zamani wrote:

> Hi Vladds,
> The poster who said he had a 3.5 QV was from The Netherlands. So my
> guess is it's a QV bored out to 3.5 by Sam van Lingen (SAVALI). Or
> maybe by Madeno.
> SAVALI also makes a 3.1 kit for my 155 2.5 V6. But I'll stick with the
> 2.5 cuz it sings a nicer note.
Almost right. It was indeed a 3.0 QV bored out to 3.5 ltrs. However, the
conversion was done back in April 1997 by another Dutch tuning company
called "Arese Tuning". They did a mighty fine job.


Marco (indeed from The Netherlands)

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