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Re: My Milano's sick -- so is the Spider


Depending on the year of your Spider, the culprit may not be the battery. I
have a 74 which one crucial morning flatly refused to start, click click
said some relay somewhere, but no engine cranking. Added extra juice to the
battery, no avail. Removed the airfilter and hotwired the starter solenoid,
and badda bing, full crank and car started. Hmmm. what could be wrong here,
bad ignition swtich, bad relay, bad wire or what. I couldn't find out, taked
to people left right and center, all sorts of good advice came up, but
nothing helped. SO i finally I talked to a long time Alfa mechanic who said
that in 74 there was a fasten your seatbelt device that would not let you
start the car unless you were properly strapped in. I just couldn't
understand this as the wires were not longer attached to teh fellers in the
seats. But the wiring from the ignition, the black one, goes through this
device, and by bypassing this, the car starts with no problems.....

This may or may not be your problem.
The device sits behind the glovebox

I just saw that your Spider is an 83 - so this may not apply to you, but if
74 Spider owners out there read this bear it in mind.

Henrik Johansen
74 Spider
83 GTV6

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