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RE: 72 GTV pulling to the right when braking

> Brian,

    you're reasoning makes perfect sense to me. But I've had the same problem for
some time now.
    I've replace the left caliper. i've blown the line out with compressed air,
I've even replaced the master cylinder. It didn't occur to me to replace the rt
side caliper - it seems to work TOO well but at this point i'll try anything.

> From: "Brian Shorey" <bshorey@domain.elided>
> Subject: RE: 72 GTV pulling to the right when braking
> > You have a sticking piston in the right hand caliper. It won't necesarily
> > leak, but it it sticking. It could be a little rust in there.
> > Take the brake pads out, and try to pry the pistons back, the one
> > (or more)
> > that is difficult, if not impossible, to get back is sticking.
> > Now you know
> > which one it is and to fix it you can do several things. If it
> > gets loose by
> > prying it back you'll be OK for some time. Otherwise you'll need
> > to rebuild
> > that caliper (or have it rebuilt, or get a rebuilt from IAP or somesuch
> > source)
> If it pulls to the right when braking, I'd suspect a frozen *left* caliper
> (if the right caliper is the only one working, the car will pull to the
> right).
> If it pulled to the right *after* letting up on the brake, then I'd suspect
> a sticking piston on the right side, but during braking indicates the LHS
> caliper is not working.
> bs
> ------------------------------
> End of alfa-digest V8 #443
> **************************

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