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RE: HELP Coil has juice, but no spark

We have winners for the diagnosis of the "why the gtv6 wont start"

The correct diagnosis was: <drum roll please>
Wire leading from the distributor was not working properly. It was
broken in a non-visible spot mechanic says.

The surprising additional diagnosis was:
The inertia switch was broken, thus preventing gas from going into the
engine properly.

Mechanic said that the inertia switch probably intermittantly was going
bad (thus the stumbling and sputtering due to fuel starvation). When
inertia switch went dead, I must have finished off a half-broken wire
leading from the distributor to the ignition box when cleaning grounds,
removing wires, etc. It seems this wire runs the length of the front of
the car tucked in near the headlights which would have required I guess
removal of the grill(?) to see.

Thank you all for your help. This really is a super resource.

Oh, mechanic also found 2 broken trans mounts. Yay another $500 day at
the mechanics for mount replacement, new distributor wire installation,
and inertia switch replacement, and related diagnosis. 

Thanks- back on the road again tomorrow in Jersey!
-Michael Sweigart

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