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Enough already!

Hey guys, I apologize for posting the first rebuttal to this ridiculously
SUV hating thread.  I just couldn't sit back and listen silently to such
trash.  And I did laugh when all the haters made a great case for driving an
SUV based on crash survival.  he he he

The bottom line is that you should drive what you like.

Italians make the best sportcars, so I bought one.
Germans make the best sedans, so I bought one.
Americans used to make the best off-road vehicles, so I bought one of them
as well.

Of course, these are my choices.  But, I don't hate the drivers of other
vehicles.  Although I am guilty of cursing at minivans more often than other
vehicles.  I think I just don't like bad driving.  But you can do that in
anything.  I forget who made the point about motorcycle experience, but I
couldn't agree more.  An effective, although radical, solution to the
problem of bad drivers would be to mandate that prior to obtaining a license
to drive a four wheeled vehicle, that one drive a two wheeled one for a

Anyone want to talk about Alfas?

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