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RE: milanos w/o sunroof

> As I just aquired my first Alfa, I'm trying to find out as much info as
> I can... one issue I can't really seem to find much stuff on is Milanos
> w/o a sunroof.  I've searched for hours (literally) and haven't come up
> with anything definite.  I checked the archives and only found one or
> two ideas, so I'm asking once again.  I've found people saying there
> were only 11 milanos imported without a sunroof, which seems like an
> incredibly small number.  I've seen others talking about a "special" run
> of milanos, which seems somewhat implausible and impractical.  Does
> anybody know anything about Alfa Milano's without a sunroof?
> Any info would be cool, even if it is just a rumor.

I think the current wisdom is that there were 11 Verdes without sunroofs.
As for the 2.5 Milano, there were plenty built without sunroofs.


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