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Not Another Battery "Post"

A little late into the fray, but nonetheless...
A few months ago my three year old son, while frolicking inside my 164S
turned-on the rear light which went unnoticed.  This sent my original AC
Delco to battery heaven, and put me into a dilemma.
I had an Interstate labeled red top Optima just "sitting around"...well not
really, 18 months ago it came out of my "Detroit Iron" '67 GTO which
currently is about to get front-end suspension work (and engine block &
compartment detailing by me) performed.  I'd used the battery for about a
year before I pulled the engine. I was worried the battery would never
recover and I'd basically thrown $125 down the drain.  But I gave it a
trickle charge for a couple of days, and it moved the Ampheres needle on the
battery gauge, but not nearly as much as I thought. But in discussion with
the resident family expert (My Father)   I recalled a battery will take only
a charge that it needs/can and then level off, and be just fine.
Installation was successful and she's on the road again.
Meanwhile my '82 Toyota truck needed a new battery.  A young guy at one shop
told me to not get an Exide, but to get an Interstate because Exides are
known to "chew-up" alternators? Anyone ever heard that one?  $34.99 for an
Exide vs. $75 for an equivalent Interstate. For what is a hauler/back-up
vehicle, the Exide was my choice.   

Rob Granieri
San Ramon, CA, USA

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