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Alfa 2 litre turbo

This engine was an Italian tax dodge as far as I know. North America 
drivers with sub $2 per gallon (yes nearly FOUR litres of fuel for less 
than US$2) fuel costs would ask why anyone would destroke the 3 litre 
before turbocharging it. What is the matter with these Europeans, just 
turbo the 3.0 litre for gawsh sakes.

To successfully market a performance car in the NA market it is simple to 
remember: just put the biggest engine you make into the car. Forget all 
those lower powered optional engines. If you need to bring out a 
performance version it should have a bigger engine than the biggest you now 
make. Period.

Sad but true.

Michael Smith
Calgary, Alberta,Canada
91 Alfa 164L
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