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Rod Knock

Mr. Harris, when you get to be close to 89 years old, if you get there 
and I hope you will while being of sound body and mind, you too can say 
any god damned thing you want to.    I am sick and tired of stupid 
questions and lazy ignorant people who won't buy a workshop manual or 
even spend a few bucks to make the vehicles they drive safe for 
themselves let alone the rest pf the driving public.   It is really too 
bad our government does not make it necessary to get a drivers license 
like they have to in other countries.    Intelligent people who invest 
large sums to buy cars and expect to make them last must learn how to 
keep them running properly.  Those with scads of easy money can and do 
pay for expert service.   The cheap skates who like exotic vehicles for 
$50 bucks run into problems and then beg for cheap help.
As for the questions about rod knock,  There is not one person in this 
Digest that can accurately tell what a noise is without actually hearing 
it himself!  Guesses are just that, a waste of time and bandwidth.   He 
had 50 bucks to buy a rat trap, he could dig up a very few bucks to have 
a mechanic listen to it for a minute or two.  Enough said and I don't 
need a lecture from you or anyone else!  Ciao and have a nice weekend.  
Fred Di Matteo
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