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I've heard good things about Caribou products but the
service is horrible.  It often takes months to get
your order, even tops.  Also Ed is horrible about
returning e-mails and if you try to call you'll get a
busy signal for days.  Once you do get hold of him
you'll get nothing but excuses about his poor health
and lack of staff.  I've tried to work with him on
several occasions and always the same.  Just take a
look at the posts on the Fiat Forum to see that I'm
not alone in my opinion about Caribou.  I'd shop

Good luck,
Jerry, San Francisco
'91 164S
'77 Fiat Spider, (previously)

Date: Sun, 12 May 2002 13:16:21 -0400
From: ralphone@domain.elided
Subject: CARIBOU Tops

Its time  to replace the top on my spider.  Has anyone
had good
experience with Caribous tops.  Fit & Finish?

Ralph DeLauretis
LAUNCH - Your Yahoo! Music Experience
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