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Re: alfa-digest V8 #725

on 5/13/02 2:21 PM, alfa-digest at owner-alfa-digest@domain.elided wrote:

> Date: Mon, 13 May 2002 14:29:27 -0500
> From: "John Katos" <john_katos@domain.elided>
> Subject: RE: alfa-digest V8 #724
> George wrote:
> In the last few years, the only F1 fatality has been a course-worker at the
> 2001 Australian GP. Modern F1 cars seem to a do a very good job of
> protecting their occupants, but standers-by are still subject to all the
> frailty for which the human body is notorious.
> Unfortunately there was a death of a fire marshall at the 2000 Italian Gran
> Prix at Monza.
> From "The Sports Section"
> "Volunteer Paolo Ghislimberti died in hospital from head and chest injuries
> caused by debris, probably a wheel, thrown up by a six-car collision at the
> second chicane on the opening lap."
> Note that the chicane was put in to slow the speed of the cars and thereby
> protect the drivers.

I am extremely sorry to hear that. I had not heard that the guy died. But it
just reinforces what I said. People in the cars are much safer, it seems,
these days, than are people outside of the cars.

George Graves
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