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RE: Spider oil pan incident

> of course it was almost impossible to see until the eyes adjusted.  Very
> stupidly placed inside the garage, immediately at the bottom of the ramp,
> a speed bump which was painted black.  This was so close to the bottom of
> ramp that when the front of the car (on the Spider, the oil pan) reached
> the rear wheels where still on the incline, so the angle of connection was
> anything but cute.

Fortunately, I don't have such a story to tell.  My lowered Spider has a pan
guard, which used to scrape all the time, but never any real damage.

I have learned, however, to always go through these kinds of dips at an
angle, so that one of the front wheels arrives at the other side of the dip
before the other wheel, and this helps keep the pan out of trouble.  Tough
to explain, but it works - try it.

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