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Re: Gas Tank filler boot

--- JALFAjr@domain.elided wrote:
> I have not seen a reply to your question,

I haven't even seen the question... :-)

One other important tip for the gas tank boot: use a
hair dryer to heat up the rubber when you install it. 
Makes it MUCH, MUCH easier.

I struggled trying to refit the boot in my Junior a
year and a half ago (it hadn't been reinstalled
properly after the shop installed the new gas tank). 
Spent about 30 minutes with no luck.  I'd get one side
over the metal lip, and then when I pulled the other
it'd slip off.  Sweating, groaning, cursing.

My wife came out to the driveway.  "Would it be easier
if we warmed it up?"  Brought out the hair dryer.  It
was done in two minutes.

Tess will no doubt try to convince you all that this
means something about women.  I prefer to think that
it means my intelligence has rubbed off over the

--Scott "Rubbed off like a cheap coat of paint" Fisher
  Tualatin, Oregon
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