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74 Spider Rear Squeaking

My 74 spider squeaks a lot going over any kind of bump. The noise is
definitely coming from behind me and I think it is the rear suspension or
bushings. I don't see anything visibly wrong, but so far I haven't had
good light to really get a good look underneath. I will get a lot better
look when I do the brakes next weekend (if all goes well).

I would say the noise is most likely two rubber pieces rubbing together or
a rubber piece and something else. Is this squeaking normal for warn
bushings or tired suspensions? Or can it be an inidcation of something
else such as (very) bad shocks? Or something worse?

Last question - has anyone had a mechanic replace the bushings or do most
people do it themselves? I know I don't have the tools or equipment to do
the T-bar bushing, but I'm not sure about the others. I'd like to get an
idea about what it cost to have it done. Of course I'll then have to
multiply that by 1.5 since everything is so much more expensive out here
on the left coast. :(

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