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Re:Alfa purchase (little alfa content)

i disagree, i think this was shrewd (and i've also been through business law classes and believe in ethical business practices).  for once, the buyer had more info that the seller and came out ahead, but he still took a gamble.  he could have got the car home only to find that the fuel pump was shot, or a host of other problems.  
what the seller should have done was taken it to a shop for an estimate, then used this information to continue the negotiations.  they probably would have found the problem quickly, and saved some money.  obviously the effort to have this done was worth more than the reduced price.
would i have done it?  not to someone that i knew.  which is why i try to avoid business between friends.  feel free to rebut offline, since this isn't really alfa related...
all's fair in love and negotiations.  
ian "i'm not a lawyer but i like law books" lomax
  Jess Liao <alfajess@domain.elided> wrote: > this is nasty! 
> i was in a similar situation once, but it was legit - i >got an $800 price reduct
>ion on my gtwe6 cuz it had smeg all over the inside of the >oil filler cap. whet
>her or not the car really needed a new head gasket, was an >unknown, both for me 
>*and* the seller. as it turned out, a week of driving made >the smeg go away. s
o i was lucky. but i wooda passed on the deal w/o the price >reduction....


>doug s.

The key is that in Doug's case, both seller and buyer had the same understanding of condition, thus perfectly legal.

With the story told, where the buyer had more information than the seller, but hide the truth to gain profit, then it's a bad thing...(just learned this with the business law 105...)

on tthe other hand, I also agree with the point someone made that it is probably more often that seller failed to disclose on some of the car's existing condition....

This is not a perfect world...

Fremont, CA (no more milpitas)
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