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Re: Alfetta Part Number

Hi John

Replying via he digest because we have a bar against accessing earthlink, 
or used to have, and the direct message may not get to you.

I have the Alfetta parts book, the black covered ring-bound one, similar to 
the Giulia Super one I sent you. If you can't find one to borrow and 
photocopy let me know and I'll send you whatever photocopies you need.

Les - bleary-eyed from watching F1 till 2.30 am NZ time....    :-(

At 09:56 PM 5/24/02 -0400, you wrote:
>Date: Fri, 24 May 2002 13:54:43 -0400
>From: "John Hertzman" <johnhertzman@domain.elided>
>Subject: Re: Alfetta part number
>116.54 was the Alfetta GT 1.8 from 1975, which had been the 116.10 but was
>renumbered wher the 1.6 and 2.0 were introduced. is #42 on
>plate 34 in the Alfetta Catalogo Rapido, upper left of the pairs of grill
>bars splitting the main grill.
>While up, if anyone has the FULL Alfetta parts book (not the catalogo
>rapido) which I might buy or borrow (or rent?) to photocopy I would be very
>interested. I am in the process of translating the relatively ephemeral
>yellowed-paper originals of the ones I have into more durable/heavier/whiter
>versions, and the 116 cars are a major gap in my shelves.
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