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RE: Spider window cable replacement

Window cable replacement is a nasty job. Took me 3 hours. You can order a
new set which is very expensive or you can go cheappie and go the local
bicycle dealer. Just buy two brakecables which have the same diameter as is
in your Spider. Dismantle the doorcover. Also dismantle the motor which
controlls the window. It's also handy to dismantle the doorcover on the
otherside which is the example how to do things. Unrap the old cable. This
is a cable made of one piece which connect in the pully on the motor. Now
take the two new cables and fix them on the pully. WInd them around the
pully and use some tape to fix them. Reinstall the motor. Now guide the
cables around the wheel. If mounted correctly you will have a up side down
W-shape. Now you have to connect the two cables. There is enough space so
that this will not obstruct the up and downgoing of te window. For the
connection i used a connector used by electricians to connect wires on e.g.
a lamp (kroonsteentje in Dutch, do not know the translation). Now adjust the
setting so that everything runs smoothly. I replaced my cable 5 years ago
using this method and it runs great. I saved approx $140,- by going to the
bicycle dealer instead of the Alfa dealer.

Good luck and if you have any questions give me a mail.


Spider veloce 2.0 i '86

"The window cable (electric window) in my '86 Veloce is starting to fray
in a serious manner and needs to be replaced.  I'm sure that this
problem has come up before but I wasn't paying attention at the time. 
Is there a write-up on the procedure on how to replace it?"
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