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Re: haggerty vs. grundy for insurance

I did a lot of research on the net and people seems to prefer Hagerty, who 
also offers me the best rates and services (about $57 annually, no 
deductible, no mileage restriction etc... and $6 per thousand for stated 
value). They did not require an appraisal for any thing under $25K and will 
take a bill of sale for things over $25K, this is really convenient for me, 
I didn't want to track down an appraiser etc... since I am willing to pay 
to insure for market valued for my cars, which varies greatly anyway.

Their customer service has been the best of any one or any service I have 
dealt with, bar none.

Luckily, I have not had to make a claim, but according to people on the 
net, this is where Hagerty really shines, people references JC Taylor and 
Grundy for comparison. I hope to never find this out personally.

I live in Boston, MA and Hagerty saves me so much money it's not funny. 
Their cut off date is 1972 (I think) and they reserve the right to reject 
any car, and you must have a primary car.


         - Steve.

  At 06:31 PM 5/28/2002 -0700, Tony Sims wrote:
>Anyone want to comment on their experiences with Haggerty or Grundy for
>insurance?  I need to get my coupes off State Farm before something happens
>and I am left with a $100 settlement and some yard art.
>Portland, OR
>74 GTV 2000
>70 2800CS
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