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3M Adhesives

Hi Gang. I'm back. My hard drive needed the vacation from 5 AD's a day. It feels rested now.

I know the adhesive very well that Dean refers to. I don't think the Artist's adhesive will work very well though. It has a very light strength esp when used on something it can't soak into (vinyl, plastic, metal). Better would be 3M Super 77 which is the high strength version of the Artist's Adhesive. Coat both parts for a stronger bond. With age I think even this will fail and the vinyl will pull away leaving a loose piece of ugly vinyl to rest your arm on. Even better would be 3M's Super 90 which is very strong and will not soak through. Less messy to apply than either of the other two. Again, coat both pieces and it will stick like crazy. it is essentially like strong rubber cement in a spray can with the advantage of easy application. Both 77 and 90 are available at hardware stores (including the dreaded home depot... check the paint section). Would you be able to remove it once placed? Maybe... Hard to say. How many of these pieces do you expect to break? ;-)

>Hi Bryce:
>Try a stationary or art supply store.  Though probably not used very often
>anymore, they should have a light-duty spray adhesive that would be used
>for cutting and pasting (literally) of things such as newspaper ads and the
>like before photos are taken for printing.  I still have a can, though it's
>nearly empty, and it's called "3M Spray Mount Artist's Adhesive, Cat No.
>6065".  The can still has the price sticker, too, from perhaps 20 years
>ago; $8.62 for 13.5 ounces.  Good luck.
>Dean W. Cains
>Lutz, FL
>'74 Spider Veloce
>At 08:53 PM 5/28/2002, you wrote:
>>Date: Tue, 28 May 2002 19:49:57 -0500
>>From: "Bryce Ostenson" <bostenson@domain.elided>
>>Subject: Adhesive
>>Hello Alfisti!
>>My Spider's (83 Spider Veloce) plastic frame providing the structure for the
>>trim piece at the top of the passengers side door, interior side has broken.
>>I acquired a used one, stripped the vinyl off my old one and want to glue
>>the old vinyl to good plastic piece.
>>I noticed that the glue/adhesive/goo was not at all a strong adhesive.  I'd
>>like to find a similar adhesive that won't stain through to the vinyl or
>>make it impossible to separate the two pieces again.
>>Suggestions?  I've stopped by a few places looking for a similar adhesive
>>and all have carried adhesives designed to be as strong as possible, not at
> >all what I'm looking for.

Michael Williams
Sacramento, CA, USA

69 Duetto
73 Berlina (Fiat 124 Special)
84 GTV6
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