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re: valves

I'd have to call all these people "lazy mechanics" at best, more likely
"hacks".  If a valve cannot be adjusted to spec range using whatever
mechanical adjustment the manufacturer provided, it's time for a new valve, a
new cam, a new seat, or some other repair!  Aaagh!  Grinders are for lawn
mower blades...

>       Bingo!  Another example of why a "good mechanic" is not necessarily a
>"good Alfa mechanic"!  (I know Fred is lurking out there somewhere.)  I had
>the same problem with my shims.  Once bitten, twice shy!  This is good
>information to any newbies to the list - either find an EXPERIENCED Alfa
>mechanic, or learn on your own with help from the list.
>> Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2002 19:08:56 -0700
>> From: Michael Williams <alfanut@domain.elided>
>> Subject: Re: valves
>> At 8:42 PM -0400 6/5/02, alfa-digest wrote:
>>I once had a shop offer to grind my valves and set the clearances.  I
>> asked how they would set the clearance and they replied that they ground
>> off the butt end of the valve.  That might have been the only way to do it
>> on a flathead Ford, but that is why Alfa has replaceable shims.
>> And if your valve has been ground this way the alfa shim hits the keepers
>> and gives a false reading. I had to cut the "apron" on one shim to make it
>> work on my Duetto. Has been running fine for several years not but not
>> suggested!
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