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alfa info from factory


From the message below I understand you would like to have some factory

I wanted the same and I mailed to Mrs. Elvira Ruoco with VIN

Here's her address: elvira.ruocco@domain.elided

It may tale a few days, but I got an answer.

Good luck.

Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2002 15:55:24 -0700
From: "Tony Sims" <simstony@domain.elided>
Subject: I'm not a cat...

... so hopefully a little curiousity will not prove fatal!  At some point I
recall seeing a post about a person at Alfa in Italy who can provide info
about individual cars, but I can't locate it in the archives or in my vast
unorderly e-mail records.  Am I hallucinating, or is this true?  I've
I'd like to have a little more history on my car than what the PO has
which has been disputed by some who seem in the know.

By the by, the VIN on my GTV is AR3025718, and the door plate says she came
life in October, 1974.

Portland, OR (gonna be in the 90's this week!)
74 GTV 2000
70 2800CS
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