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Steering wheel script


It does say "Helleboro", and interestingly, I just took mine off an 84 (the
bottom was rotted), and put on one from an unknown year model.  On the right
hand side, where it used to say Helleboro, it reads Alfa Romeo in script, and
on the opposite spoke, it reads "Personal".


<<Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2002 17:41:38 EDT
From: Newigi@domain.elided
Subject: Re: Steering wheel script?

I have an 81 Spider that has the wood steering wheel. On the left hand spoke
under the horn lever it has engraved "Alfa Romeo" in script. The question is:
on the right hand spoke under the horn lever in script, that almost looks
handwritten, is the word "Hellebore." Or that's as close as I can come to
making out the letters.  Does anyone have any knowledge of this? Thanks.

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