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Tea trays

I'm quite sure Brian Shorey's  theory is absolutely correct regarding
the tea tray. Except for the few owners who might have had the same (or
similar) Bosch system on another car, it was an enigma, and from the
number of questions on the Digest, happily remains so to this very day.

Obviously Alfa, always thinking ahead (though John H. doesn't hold to
this theory) must have anticipated 'merican's pulling all those darn
hoses and who knows what all off their V6 and replacing it with
virtually anything else. Hey, how about an original Holly fuel injection
system from an old Vette?

Just might need to make a hole in that hood for something like that.

Who new most would keep all that German stuff on their cars? An Alfa
owner keeping their car stock and possibly selling it some day for more
than they originally paid? Perish the thought.

Unnh, Brian, not to criticize, but believe it's four b's, not merely

Irwindale, CA USA

Happy Father's Day, one and all, especially to those who allow their son
and / or daughter drive their Italian Baby.
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