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spider transmission noise

My '84 spider has begun to make some fairly loud whirring noises,
particularly in 3rd and fourth gear.  I'm planning a transmission rebuild
(a new endeavor for me - one of the few things I haven't touched on the
car), but I'd like to wait until the summer is over, if that's possible.

Questions:  Should I be worried about the new noises, and if so, how long
can I continue to run the car this way?  If a rebuild is urgent, should I
attempt to do it myself (again, I've never done this before)?  IAP offers
rebuilt units for a very hefty price - what are the alternatives?  Thanks
in advance to anyone willing to share some advice.

Cazzo, Italy just lost to South Korea.  A moment of silence for our
fallen Italian commrades...

-John Barbera

'84 Spider Veloce

'87 Audi 4kq


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