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re: long trip

Henry, I've taken a cross-country trip in the 911 and multiple west-coast 
trips in the Spider; neither were more problematic than when I started. 
&:-) I was driving 80s vintage cars; I assume yours are no older than 

One of my (amazingly enough, still good) friends drove my Spider the short 
distance from Seattle to Portland for the 2000 Convention. Unfortunately, 
the clutch gave out just beyond Seattle's city limits and he ended up 
driving the entire way without a clutch. I heard something about stop and 
go Friday traffic for the first hundred miles or so. Anyway, I think that 
was also the time my radiator went south, so he had to keep the heat on 
as well, which was not so much fun for him since we were having a heat wave 
at the time. But both these problems were already [somewhat] evident 
before the car left for the trip, and since you've already had your cars 
checked out, you won't have those worries! 

BTW, for the Porkchop, I'd take *two* fan belts &:-), as they are prone 
to breaking. And a camera. If someone drives by in a chopped Volvo 
station wagon with blackout windows, a monster exhaust, and flames 
painted on the side, I want to make sure to get a picure of that. 

I won't give advice on what else I pack. Zach is always giving me a hard 
time because I carry an entire trunk-full of "beauty essentials"  just to 
go to the track for one day.

Bellevue, WA U.S.A.
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