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re: Casting the first stone (was: Motor Trend, etc)

At Tue, 25 Jun 2002 17:16:58 -0400 "John Hertzman" wrote:

>I blew a gasket when the latest 'Alfa Owner' arrived, thought briefly of
>dropping a comment to the digest, and backed off. Too easy, too often 
>The cover photograph, identified as an Alfa 158, is of a car which quite
>obviously has a naturally aspirated six cylinder engine, identified on the
>cowl as 2500 cc, and no similarities to a 158 other than the general shape of
>the grill, and being a monoposto with four wheels. The fuller caption does
>make it clear enough that the car is a homebuilt South American special
>probably based on 6C 2500 parts, but the hypercritical nitpicker which lurks
>in the darker recesses of my soul (or wherever, not sure I have one) can't
>help feeling that somebody involved in the composition, layout, captioning,
>and editing of an Alfa club magazine should have had enough knowledge of and
>interest in Alfa Romeos to have known what a 158 was, or to at least to have
>run it by someone who did.

John is right on this, but he shouldn't think his words are LAW :) He should 
support his statements with further information for those, like me, who aren't
a living Alfa Romeo history book.
So I gave a try, and looked for the 158 on the net.
How could John recognize that the 2500 showing up on the magazine cover isn't
the original 158?

-the 158 wasn't a 2500cc, rather a 1500 (1479cc).  It was SUPERCHARGED.
-the 158 wasn't a 6C. It was a 8C.  
-The car on A.O.'s cover shows clearly 6 carbs air intakes. The 158 showed
-The 158 had the exhaust where we can see the carbs air intakes on this pic

Pictures, data, races, history....just for comparing and knowing:  (also with great vintage poster


"I like anything that don't talk." King Benny - Sleepers
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