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Re: Nascar sucks

Ron writes:

"NASCAR SUCKS.  I'm even thinking of having some T-shirts ..."

I triple-dog, double-dare ya to wear it around Texas Motor Speedway during a 
race weekend.  Those fans are rabid, to say the least.  I attended a Nascar 
race there last year at the, insistence of one of my corporate clients. 
 Sat in the front row of turn four.  Having a freight train of 30 500+HP 
stock cars roar past under full throttle was extremely exciting and you 
couldn't help but get swept up in the whole scene... until about lap 10 when 
I was ready to go do something else.  I just did't see the attraction of "Go 
Fast, Turn Left, Go Fast, Turn Left, Go Fast, etc, etc. for 500 miles.  
Sitting in the blazing sun, getting assaulted by the ear-shattering noise and 
pelted by bits of rubber for hours on end was more of a test of endurance 
than an afternoon of enjoyment.  Then afterward, trying to muscle through the 
crowd of fans fighting for the last Jeff Gordon t-shirt or an opportunity to 
sign their name on the late Dale Earnhardt's carhauler, was something I hope 
to never repeat in my lifetime.

Darren "just doesn't get the Nascar thing" Besic
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